Generally, I go out shooting on Thursdays, but I went out today because it will probably be raining tomorrow. Since, I left for lunch late, most people had already left the street faire to go back to work, so this was going to be a quick shoot indeed.
I wasn't out long, but before I left, I was able to catch this shot of a woman walking three dogs; and let me tell you, it wasn't that easy. On the train ride home, I reflected on this image and soon realized why it struck me so when I took the picture earlier in the day -- quite often, I feel myself in the same bind as the woman I had captured in the photo: struggling to balance the three demanding aspects of my life: my job, my family and my ministry. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining because right now, all three are great. I work with some great folks who appreciate my skills; my wife is wonderful and my kids are pretty cool too and I'm steadily holding my own ministering at friendship.
Yet like the woman in the picture, its not easy because each of the areas have their own unique demands (and bring their own pleasant rewards).
My job pays well and allows us to enjoy the life we do.
My wife is wonderful (96.2% of the time *LOL*) and most of our kids are adults doing well on their own and the three youngest are blossoming as young adults; and believe you me, when a man has peace at home, his outlook on life is greatly enhanced.
My ministry is not earth shaking, but truly makes a difference in the lives that it touches and gives me a wonderful sense of purpose.
I'm sure each of us has our own struggles and rewards as we do our best to succeed in the balancing act we call life. And when you find yourself in need of a little help keeping the balance, ask the Lord to give you a helping hand from His ever present grace and lovingkindness:
"But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ." (Eph 4:7)
96.2% of the time?????? ;-)