Anyway, the three main points were (1) Prayer gives you power; (2) Consistent prayer brings brokenness and diminishes pride; and (3) Prayer gives you power over the enemy and all of his works.
In my opinion, one of the things that made the sermon so great was the point that no matter where one is in their spiritual walk they can never say that they’ve reach that plateau where they are praying enough. Cor also mentioned out how even the Lord himself was always praying and that He (Jesus Christ) made prayer a priority and he was always getting away from the crowds to pray. Not only that, but Pastor Cor also pointed out how the only thing that the disciples ever asked Jesus to teach them was how to PRAY; whoa!
Its hard to try to recreate the power and impact of that sermon, so I won’t. So I'll just say that we all can benefit from increasing our prayer life just a little bit more each day. Now I’m not saying you have to start praying 24/7, but simply that if you make a commitment to increase your prayer time a little bit each day, I guarantee you’ll experience more power in your own life, you’ll be broken (and made anew in Christ) and you’ll exercise more authority over the enemy than you were able to previously. Now who wouldn’t want that??
Finally, I’ll leave you with something my grandmother taught me about prayer when I was a kid and still remember after all these years:
“Whisper a prayer in the morning;
Whisper a prayer at noon
Whisper a prayer in the evening
to keep your heart in tune”
Take the prayer challenge for 21 days and see what happens!
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