Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blogging time in 2009

After watching the wife become lost in blogging from time to time, I thought I'd try my hand at this craft and see where it leads...

Generally Saturday is spent as a Sabbath, a day of rest. Which means we don't do much, but try to regroup from the business of the week, do a few things around the house and rest.

Today was not too much different, only that I went through some older pics on my computer and was amazed by all of the memories contained therein. I'm really getting into photography these days, and as such have been going back, looking at old pics to see whether or not I've improved, and how I can take better shots than what I have in the past. 2 Christmases ago, I got a Nikon D40, a good entry-level dSLR, but it took a year before I really started taking photography on a much more serious level. In looking back, I realized that I have a decent eye for capturing the moment, as many decent pics were taken with an older Panasonic FZ-20, a Olympus 765uz, and a Kodak 7440 (both of which seemed to have grown legs and walked out of the house)..*LOL*

While they're not as advanced as the Nikon, they still were good cameras that served both I and the wife well, so it was kinda annoying that they left us so abruptly. Below are samples from each:

Taken with the Panasonic FZ20:

Taken with the Olympus 765UZ:

Taken with the Kodak Kodak 7440:

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