I already knew that that the Nikon was superior in low light/no flash situations (from my initial research on the Olympus), but I did not get the chance to take the Olympus out on an outdoor shoot until this past Friday (the day before my birthday). The wife and I went back to the Mary Vagle Nature Center, which is only 5 minutes from our house and is the home for Ducks, Coots and other waterfowl.
We shot for about an hour or so and in my humble opinion, the pictures are stunning. The Olympus is able to get you right in there (thanks to the 2.0 crop factor) and the dynamic range of the Olympus Sensor performed far better than most reviewers give Olympus credit for.
Needless to say, I am quite happy with the Olympus and it did not disappoint! Here's the wife checking her settings on her favorite new toy, the Panasonic DMC-FZZ28 (taken with my new favorite, the Olympus Evolt 510):
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